Arnott Papers {2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2005-2006, 2001-2004, 1995-2000, 1984-1994, Other Most Interesting Select Non-Referreed Publications}


  1. Paoli, T.L., W.P. Arnott, William Streiffer and Robert D. Burnham, 1985:   Optical model for radiation patterns of phase-locked diode laser arrays. Digest of Technical Papers, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 21-24 May.

  2. Arnott, W.P. and P.L. Marston, 1988:   Optical glory of small freely-rising gas bubbles in water:   Observed and computed cross-polarized backscattering patterns. J. Opt. Soc., 5 , 496-506.

  3. Arnott, W.P. and P.L. Marston, 1989:   Unfolding axial caustics of glory scattering with harmonic angular perturbations of toroidal wavefronts. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 85 , 1427-1440.

  4. Arnott, W.P. and J.S. Sabatier, 1990:   Laser-Doppler vibrometer measurements of acoustic to seismic coupling. Applied Acoustics, 30 , 279-291.

  5. Sabatier, J.S., H. Hess, W.P. Arnott, K. Attenborough, M. Romkens and E. Grissinger, 1990:   In situ measurements of soil physical properties by acoustical techniques. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. 54 , 658-672.

  6. Arnott, W. P. and P.L. Marston, 1991:   Unfolded optical glory of spheroids: Backscattering of laser light from freely rising spheroidal air bubbles in water. Applied Optics, 30 , 3429-3442.

  7. Roh, H., W. P. Arnott, J. M. Sabatier and R. Raspet, 1991:   Measurement and calculation of acoustic propagation constants in arrays of small air-filled rectangular tubes, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 89 , 2617-2624.

  8. Arnott, W.P. H.E. Bass and R. Raspet, 1991:   General formulation of thermoacoustics for stacks having arbitrarily-shaped pore cross-sections. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 90 , 3228-3237. (A key paper for me, and one that was particularly useful to others). Some of the ideas coming out of this time have been realized in a well-used software package for design of acoustic refrigerators and prime movers (sounds sources).

  9. Arnott, W. P., J.M. Sabatier and R. Raspet, 1991:   Sound propagation in capillary-tube-type porous media with small pores in the capillary walls. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 90 , 3299-3306.

  10. Arnott, W.P., H.E. Bass and R. Raspet, 1992:   Specific acoustic impedance measurements of an air-filled thermoacoustic prime mover.   J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 92 , 3432.

  11. Marston, P.L., C.E. Dean and W.P. Arnott, 1992:   "Polar and Cartesian Expressions for Principal Curvatures", Appendix of "Geometrical and Catastrophe Optics Methods in Scattering", Physical Acoustics, Vol. 21, R.N. Thurston and A.D. Pierce, eds., Academic Press, Orlando, pp 220-221.

  12. Mitchell, D.L. and W.P. Arnott, 1994:   A model predicting the evolution of ice particle size spectra and radiative properties of cirrus clouds. Part II. Radiation.   J. Atmos. Sci. 51 , 817-832.

  13. Arnott, W. P., Y. Y. Dong, J. Hallett, and M. R. Poellot, 1994:   Role of small ice crystals in radiative properties of cirrus:   A case study, FIRE II, 22 November 1991.   J. Geo. Res. D1,   99 , 1371-1381.

  14. Arnott, W. P., J. R. Belcher, R. Raspet and H. E. Bass, 1994:   Stability analysis of a helium filled thermoacoustic engine.   J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96 , 370-375.

  15. Arnott, W. P., Y. Y. Dong, and J. Hallett, 1995:   Extinction efficiency in the IR (2 µm to 18 µm) of laboratory ice clouds:   Observations of scattering minima in the Christiansen bands of ice.   Applied Optics 34 , 541-551.
  16. Arnott, W. P., Hans M. Moosmüller, Robert E. Abbott, and Michael D. Ossofsky, 1995:   Thermoacoustic enhancement of photoacoustic spectroscopy:   Theory and measurements of the signal to noise ratio.   Rev. Sci. Instrum. 66 , 4827-4833.


  17. Arnott, W. P., Jay A. Lightfoot, Richard Raspet, and Hans Moosmüller, 1996: Radial wave thermoacoustic engines:   Theory and examples for refrigerators and high-gain narrow-bandwidth photoacoustic spectrometers.   J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 99 , 734-745.

  18. Moosmüller, H., W. P. Arnott, 1996:   The folded jamin interferometer:   A stable instrument for refractive index measurements.   Opt. Lett. 21 , 438-440.


  19. Moosmüller, H., W. P. Arnott, and C. F. Rogers, 1997:   Methods for real time, in situ measurement of aerosol light absorption.   Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 47 , 157-166.

  20. Raspet, R., J. M. Sabatier, and W. P. Arnott, 1997:   Estimation of temperature gradient effects on the normalized surface impedance of soils.   J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 101 , 602-605.

  21. Arnott, W. P., C. Schmitt, Y. Liu, and J. Hallett, 1997:   Droplet size spectra and water vapor concentration of laboratory water clouds:   Inversion of FTIR (500-5000 cm -1 ) optical depth measurement.   Applied Optics 36 , 5205-5216.

  22. Yang, P., K. N. Liou, and W. P. Arnott, 1997:   Extinction efficiency and single-scattering albedo for laboratory and natural cirrus clouds J. Geophys. Res. 102 , 21,825-21,835.

  23. Pueschel, R. F., J. Hallett, A. W. Strawa, S. D. Howard, G. V. Ferry, T. Foster, and W. P. Arnott, 1997:   Aerosol and cloud particles in tropical cirrus anvil:   Importance to radiation balance.   J. Aerosol Sci. 28 , 1123-1136.


  24. Sassen, K., and W. P. Arnott, 1998: Light and color in the open air -- introductory remarks by the feature editors. Appl. Opt. 37 , 1425-1426.

  25. Sassen, K., W. P. Arnott, J. M. Barnett, and S. Aulenbach, 1998:   Can cirrus clouds produce glories?   Appl. Opt. 37 , 1427-1433.

  26. Liou, K. N., P. Yang, Y. Takano, K. Sassen, T. P. Charlock, and W. P. Arnott, 1998:   On the radiative properties of contrail cirrus. Geophys. Res. Lett. 25 , 1161-1164.

  27. Moosmüller, H, W. P. Arnott, C. F. Rogers, J. C. Chow, C. A. Frazier, L. E. Sherman, and D. L. Dietrich, 1998:   Photoacoustic and filter measurements related to aerosol light absorption during the Northern Front Range Air Quality Study (Colorado 1996/1997).   J. Geophys. Res. 103 , 28149-28157.

  28. Liu Y., W. P. Arnott, and J. Hallett, 1998: Anomalous Diffraction Theory for Arbitrarily Oriented Finite Circular Cylinders and Comparison with Exact T-Matrix Results.   Appl. Opt. 37 , 5019-5030.

  29. Lightfoot, J. A., W. P. Arnott, H. E. Bass, and R. Raspet, 1998: Experimental study of a radial mode thermoacoustic prime mover. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 105 , 2652-2662.


  30. Arnott, W. P., H. Moosmüller, and C. F. Rogers, 1999: Photoacoustic spectrometer for measuring light absorption by aerosols: Instrument description. Atmos. Env. 33 , 2845-2852.

  31. Poellot, M. R., W. P. Arnott, and J. Hallett, 1999:   In situ observations of contrail microphysics and implications for their radiative impact. J. Geophys. Res. 104 , 12,077-12,084.

  32. Liu, Y, W. Patrick Arnott, and J. Hallett, 1999:   Particle size distribution retrieval from multispectral optical depth:   Influences of particle nonsphericity and refractive index, J. Geophys. Res. 104 , 31,753-.

  33. Schmitt, C., and W. P. Arnott, 1999:   Infrared emission (500-2000 cm-1) of laboratory ice clouds. J. Quant. Spec. and Rad. Transfer 63 , 701-725.


  34. W. P. Arnott, H. Moosmüller, and J. W. Walker, 2000:   Nitrogen dioxide and kerosene-flame soot calibration of photoacoustic instruments for measurement of light absorption by aerosol.   Rev. Sci. Instrum. 71 , 4545-4552.


  35. J. Hallett, W. P. Arnott, and M. Bailey, 2001:   Ice crystals in cirrus.   [Collected Cirrus Works, edited by D. Lynch.].

  36. THE FOLLOWING TWO ARTICLES WERE THE TOPIC OF THE COVER OF ES&T.  H. Moosmüller, W. P. Arnott, C. F. Rogers, J. L. Bowen, J. A. Gillies, W. R. Pierson,, J. F. Collins, T. D. Durbin, and J. M. Norbeck, 2001:   Time Resolved Characterization of Diesel Particulate Emissions:   1. Instruments for Particle Mass Measurements Environ. Sci. Technol. 35 , 781-781.

  37. H. Moosmüller, W. P. Arnott, C. F. Rogers, J. L. Bowen, J. A. Gillies, W. R. Pierson,, J. F. Collins, T. D. Durbin, and J. M. Norbeck, 2001:   Time Resolved Characterization of Diesel Particulate Emissions:   2. Instruments for Elemental and Organic Carbon Measurements Environ. Sci. Technol. 35 , 1935-1942.


  38. D. Ivanova, D. L. Mitchell, W. P. Arnott, and M. R. Poellot, 2002:   A GCM parameterization for bimodal size spectra and ice mass removal rates in mid-latitude cirrus clouds.   Atmospheric Research 59-60 , 89-113.


  39. Raspet, R., W. V. Slaton, W. P. Arnott and H. Moosmüller (2003). "Evaporation-Condensation Effects on Resonant Photoacoustics of Volatile Aerosols." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 20(5): 685-695.

  40. Arnott, W. P., H. Moosmüller, P. J. Sheridan, J. A. Ogren, R. Raspet, W. V. Slaton, J. L. Hand, S. M. Kreidenweis and J. L. Collett (2003). "Photoacoustic and filter-based ambient aerosol light absorption measurements:   Instrument comparisons and the role of relative humidity." Journal of Geophysical Research 108 4034.

  41. Kelly, K. E., D.A. Wagner, J.S.Lighty,A.F.Sarofim, C.F. Rogers,J.Sagebiel, B. Zielinska, W.P.Arnott, and G. Palmer. (2003) "Characterization of Exhaust Particles from Military Vehicles Fueled with Diesel, Gasoline, and JP-8."   Journal of Air and Waste Management 53 , 273-282.

  42. Rogers, C. F., J. C. Sagebiel, B. Zielinska, W. P. Arnott, E. M. Fujita, J. D. McDonald, J. B. Griffin, K. Kelly, D. Overacker, D. Wagner, J. S. Lighty, A. Sarofim and G. Palmer (2003). "Characterization of Submicron Exhaust Particles from Engines Operating Without Load on Diesel and JP-8 Fuels." Aerosol Science & Technology 37(4): 14.

  43. Sassen, K., W. Patrick Arnott, D. O. C. Starr, G. G. Mace, Z. Wang and M. R. Poellot (2003). "Midlatitude Cirrus Clouds Derived from Hurricane Nora: A Case Study with Implications for Ice Crystal Nucleation and Shape." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 60(7): 873-891. SEE ALSO THIS NICE WEBSITE!

  44. H. Moosmüller, W. P. Arnott, 2003:   Angular truncation errors in integrating nephelometry.   Review of Scientific Instruments 74, 3492-3501.

  45. Varma, R., H. Moosmuller and W. P. Arnott (2003). "Toward an ideal integrating nephelometer." Optics Letters 28 (12): 1007-1009.


  46. Zielinska, B., J. Sagebiel, W. P. Arnott, C. F. Rogers, K. E. Kelly, D. A. Wagner, J. S. Lighty, A. F. Sarofim, and G. Palmer (2004). Phase and Size Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Diesel and Gasoline Vehicle Emissions. Environ. Sci. Technol, 38,2557-2567.

  47. Chen, L. W. A., J. C. Chow, J. G. Watson, H. Moosmüller, and W. P. Arnott, (2004) Modeling reflectance and transmittance of quartz-fiber filter samples containing elemental carbon particles: Implications for thermal/optical analysis. Journal of Aerosol Science 35: 765-780.

  48. Chow, J. C., J. G. Watson, L. W. A. Chen, W. P. Arnott, and H. Moosmüller, (2004). Equivalence of elemental carbon by thermal/optical reflectance and transmittance with different temperature protocols. Environmental Science and Technology 38, 4414-4422.


  49. Arnott, W. P., K. Hamasha, H. Moosmueller, P. J.Sheridan and J. A. Ogren (2005). "Towards aerosol light absorption measurements with a 7-wavelength Aethalometer: Evaluation with a photoacoustic instrument and a 3 wavelength nephelometer." Aerosol Science & Technology 39: 17-29.

  50. Moosmüller, H., R. Varma and W. P. Arnott (2005). "Cavity Ring-Down and Cavity-Enhanced Detection Techniques for the Measurement of Aerosol Extinction." Aerosol Science & Technology 39: 30-39.

  51. Petzold, A., H. Schloesser, P. J. Sheridan, W. P. Arnott, J. A. Ogren and A. Virkkula (2005). "Evaluation of multi-angle absorption photometry for measuring aerosol light absorption." Aerosol Science & Technology 39: 40-51.

  52. Sheridan, P. J., W. P. Arnott, J. A. Ogren, B. E. Anderson, D. B. Atkinson, D. S. Covert, H. Moosmuller, A. Petzold, B. Schmid, A. W. Strawa, R. Varma and A. Virkkula (2005). "The Reno aerosol optics study: Overview and summary of results." Aerosol Science & Technology 39: 1-16.

  53. Virkkula, A., N. C. Ahlquist, D. S. Covert, W. P. Arnott, P. J. Sheridan, P. K. Quinn and D. J. Coffman (2005). "Modification, calibration and a field test of an instrument for measuring light absorption by particles." Aerosol Science and Technology 39: 68-83.

  54. Virkkula, A., N. C. Ahlquist, D. S. Covert, P. J. Sheridan, W. P. Arnott and J. A. Ogren (2005). "A three-wavelength optical extinction cell for measuring aerosol light extinction and its application to determining light absorption coefficient." Aerosol Science and Technology 39: 52-67.

  55. Arnott, W. P., B. Zielinska, C. F. Rogers, J. Sagebiel, K. Park, J. Chow, H. Moosmüller, J. G. Watson, K. Kelly, D. Wagner, A. Sarofim, J. Lighty, and G. Palmer, (2005) Evaluation of 1047-nm Photoacoustic Instruments and Photoelectric Aerosol Sensors in Source-Sampling of Black Carbon Aerosol and Particle-Bound PAHs from Gasoline and Diesel Powered Vehicles. Environ. Sci. Technol 39(14); 5398-5406. DOI: 10.1021/es049595e

  56. Rogers, F., W. P. Arnott, B. Zielinska, J. Sagebiel, K. E. Kelly, D. Wagner, J. S. Lighty, and A. F. Sarofim, (2005). Real-time measurements of jet aircract engine exhaust. Journal of Air and Waste Management 55, 583-593.

  57. Moosmüller, H., R. Varma, W. P. Arnott, H. D. Kuhns, V. Etyemezian, and J. A. Gillies (2005).  Scattering Cross Section Emission Factors for Visibility and Radiative Transfer Applications: Military Vehicles Traveling on Unpaved Roads.  J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., 55, 1743-1750.

  58. Arnott, W. P., J. W. Walker, H. Moosmüller, R. A. Elleman, H. H. Jonsson, G. Buzorius, W. C. Conant, R. C. Flagan, and J. H. Seinfeld, (2006). Photoacoustic insight for aerosol light absorption aloft from meteorological aircraft and comparison with particle soot absorption photometer measurements: DOE Southern Great Plains climate research facility and coastal stratocumulus imposed perturbation experiments. Journal of Geophysical Research 111, D05S02, doi:10.1029/2005JD005964.

  59. Andrews, E., P. J. Sheridan, M. Fiebig, A. McComiskey, J. A. Ogren, W. P. Arnott, D. Covert, R. Elleman, R. Gasparini, D. Collins, H. Jonsson, B. Schmid, and J. Wang, (2006). Comparison of methods for deriving aerosol asymmetry parameter. Journal of Geophysical Research 111, D05S04, doi:10.1029/2004JD005734.

  60. Chakrabarti, R. K.; Moosmüller, H.; Arnott, W. P.; Garro, M. A.; Walker, J. W.,(2006) Structural and fractal properties of particles emitted from spark ignition engines. Environmental science & technology , 40, 6647-6654.

  61. O. Schmid, P. Artaxo,W. P. Arnott, D. Chand, L. V. Gatti, G. P. Frank, A. Hoffer, M. Schnaiter, and M. O. Andreae (2006). Spectral light absorption by ambient aerosols influenced by biomass burning in the Amazon Basin. I: Comparison and field calibration of absorption measurement techniques. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 3443–3462.

  62. A Abu-Rahmah,WP Arnott and H Moosmüller (2006). Integrating nephelometer with a low truncation angle and an extended calibration scheme. Meas. Sci. Technol. 17 (2006) 1723–1732 doi:10.1088/0957-0233/17/7/010.

  63. L.-W. Antony Chen, Hans Moosmüller, W. Patrick Arnott, Judith C. Chow, and John G. Watson, (2006). Particle emissions from laboratory combustion of wildland fuels: In situ optical and mass measurements.  Geophysical Research Letters 33, L04803, doi:10.1029/2005GL024838.

  64. L. W. A. Chen, H. Moosmüller, W. P. Arnott, J. G. Watson, and P. Mousset-Jones (2006).  Novel Approaches to Measure Diesel Emissions.  Journal of the Mine Ventilation Sociey of South Africa.  April/June.  Pgs 41-45.

  65. K. Park, J. C. Chow, J. G. Watson, D. L. Trimble, P. Doraiswamy, W. P. Arnott, K. R. Stroud, K. Bowers, R. Bode, A. Petzold, and A. D. A. Hansen, (2006). Comparison of continuous and filter-based carbon measurements at the Fresno Supersite. Journal of Air and Waste Management 56, 474-491.


  66. Doran, J. C., Barnard, J. C., Arnott, W. P., Cary, R., Coulter, R., Fast, J. D., Kassianov, E. I., Kleinman, L., Laulainen, N. S., Martin, T., Paredes-Miranda, G., Pekour, M. S., Shaw, W. J., Smith, D. F., Springston, S. R., and Yu, X.-Y.: The T1-T2 study: evolution of aerosol properties downwind of Mexico City, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 1585-1598, 2007.

  67. Slowik, Jay, G., Eben S. Cross, Jeong-Ho Han, Paul Davidovits,Timothy B. Onasch, John T. Jayne, Leah R. Williams, Manjula R. Canagaratna, Douglas R. Worsnop, Rajan K. Chakrabarty, Hans Moosmüller, William P. Arnott, Joshua P. Schwarz, Ru-Shan Gao, David W. Fahey, Gregory L. Kok, and Andreas Petzold (2007). An Inter-Comparison of Instruments Measuring Black Carbon Content of Soot Particles. Aerosol Science and Technology, 41:295–314, 2007.

  68. Hopkins, R. J., K. Lewis, Y. Desyaterik, Z. Wang, A. V. Tivanski, W. P. Arnott, A. Laskin, and M. K. Gilles (2007). Correlations Between Optical, Chemical, and Physical Properties of Biomass Burn Aerosols. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L18806, doi:10.1029/2007GL030502,2007.

  69. Chakrabarty, R. J., H. Moosmüller, W. P. Arnott, M. A. Garro, J. G. Slowik, E. S. Cross, J. H. Han, P. Davidovits, T. B. Onasch, and D. R. Worsnop (2007). Light scattering and absorption by fractal-like carbonaceous chain aggregates: comparison of theories and experiment. Applied Optics 46, 6990-7006.

  70. Fujita, E. M., B. Zielinska, D. E. Campbell, W. P. Arnott, J. C. Sagebiel, L. Mazzoleni, J. C. Chow, P. A. Gabele, W. Crews, R. Snow, N. N. Clark, W. S. Wayne, D. R. Lawson (2007). Variations in speciated emissions from spark-ignition and compression ignition motor vehicles in California's south coast air basin. J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 57, 705-720.

  71. Fujita, E. M., D. E. Campbell, W. P. Arnott, J. C. Chow, and B. Zielinska (2007). Evaluations of the chemical mass balance method for determining contributions of gasoline and diesel exhaust to ambient carbonaceous aerosols. J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 57, 721-740.

  72. L. W. A. Chen, H. Moosmüller, W. P. Arnott, J. C. Chow, J. G. Watson, R. A. Susott, R. E. Babbitt, C. E. Wold, E. N. Lincoln, W. M. Hao (2007). Emissions from laboratory combustion of wildland fuels: emission factors and source profiles. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41, 4317-4325.

  73. Chakrabarty, R K, Moosmuller, H, Garro, M A, Patrick Arnott, W, Slowik, J G, Cross, E S, Han, J H, Davidovits, P, Onasch, T B and Worsnop, D R (2008). Morphology based particle segregation by electrostatic charge. Journal of aerosol science 39(9): 785-792.

  74. Liu, L, Mishchenko, M I and Patrick Arnott, W (2008). A study of radiative properties of fractal soot aggregates using the superposition T-matrix method. Journal of quantitative spectroscopy & radiative transfer 109(15): 2656-2663.

  75. Lewis, K., W. P. Arnott, H. Moosmüller, and C. E. Wold (2008), Strong spectral variation of biomass smoke light absorption and single scattering albedo observed with a novel dual-wavelength photoacoustic instrument, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D16203, doi:10.1029/2007JD009699.

  76. Paredes-Miranda, G., Arnott, W. P., Jimenez, J. L., Aiken, A. C., Gaffney, J. S., and Marley, N. A.:(2008) Primary and secondary contributions to aerosol light scattering and absorption in Mexico City during the MILAGRO 2006 campaign, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 8, 16951-16979.

  77. Moosmüller, H., R. K. Chakrabarty, and W. P. Arnott (2009) Aerosol light absorption and its measurement: A review, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 110, 844–878.

  78. Chakrabarty, R.K., H. Moosmüller, W. P. Arnott, M. A. Garro, G. Tian, J. G. Slowik, E. S. Cross, J. Han, P. Davidovits, T. B. Onasch, and D. R. Worsnop, (2009), Low Fractal Dimension Cluster-Dilute Soot Aggregates from a Premixed Flame, Physical Review Letters 102, 235504. See also the Physical Review Focus letter that accompanied the article.

  79. Baumgardner, D., M. Grutter, J. Allan, C. Ochoa, B. Rappenglueck, L. M. Russell, and P. Arnott, (2009), Physical and chemical properties of the regional mixed layer of Mexico's Megapolis. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 5711-5727

  80. Paredes-Miranda, G., Arnott, W. P., Jimenez, J. L., Aiken, A. C., Gaffney, J. S., and Marley, N. A.:(2009) Primary and secondary contributions to aerosol light scattering and absorption in Mexico City during the MILAGRO 2006 campaign, Atmos. Chem. Phys. 9, 3721-3730.

  81. K. A. Lewis, W. P. Arnott, H. Moosmüller, R. K. Chakrabarty, C. M. Carrico, S. M. Kreidenweis, D. E. Day, W. C. Malm, A. Laskin, J. L. Jimenez, I. M. Ulbrich, J. A. Huffman, T. B. Onasch, A. Trimborn, L. Liu, and M. I. Mishchenko (2009) Reduction in biomass burning aerosol light absorption upon humidification: roles of inorganically-induced hygroscopicity, particle collapse, and photoacoustic heat and mass transfer. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 8949-8966.

  82. Gyawali, M., W. P. Arnott, K. Lewis, and H. Moosmüller (2009). In situ aerosol optics in Reno, NV, USA during and after the summer 2008 California wildfires and the influence of absorbing and non-absorbing coatings on spectral light absorption . Atmos. Chem. Phys, 9, 8007-8015.

  83. A. C. Aiken, D. Salcedo, M. J. Cubison, J. A. Huffman, P. F. DeCarlo, I. M. Ulbrich, K. S. Docherty, D. Sueper, J. R. Kimmel, D. R. Worsnop, A. Trimborn, M. Northway, E. A. Stone, J. J. Schauer, R. Volkamer, E. Fortner, B. de Foy, J. Wang, A. Laskin, V. Shutthanandan, J. Zheng, R. Zhang, J. Gaffney, N. A. Marley, G. Paredes-Miranda, W. P. Arnott, L. T. Molina, G. Sosa, and J. L. Jimenez (2009). Mexico City aerosol analysis during MILAGRO using high resolution aerosol mass spectrometry at the urban supersite (T0) – Part 1: Fine particle composition and organic source apportionment. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 9, 8377-8427.

  84. J. C. Barnard, J. D. Fast, G. Paredes-Miranda, and W. P. Arnott (2009). Closure on the single scattering albedo in the WRF-Chem framework using data from the MILAGRO campaign Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 9, 5009-5054.

  85. H. Moosmüller, and W. P. Arnott, (2009). Particle Optics in the Rayleigh Regime. J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 59, 1028-1031.

  86. G. Tian, H. Moosmüller, and W. P. Arnott (2009) Simultaneous photoacoustic spectroscopy of aerosol and Oxygen A-Band Absorption for the Calibration of Aerosol Light Absorption Measurements. Aerosol Science and Technology 43, 1084-1090.

  87. K. M. Hamasha and W. P. Arnott (2009) Photoacoustic measurements of black carbon light absorption coefficients in Irbid city, Jordan. Environ Monit Assess
    DOI 10.1007/s10661-009-1017-3.

  88. Arnott, W. P. and H. Moosmüller (2010) Method and Apparatus for Photoacoustic Measurements. U.S. Patent Number 7,710,566.

  89. Barnard, J. C., J. D. Fast, G. Paredes-Miranda, W. P. Arnott, and A. Laskin (2010) Technical Note: Evaluation of the WRF-Chem "Aerosol Chemical to Aerosol Optical Properties" Module using data from the MILAGRO campaign. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 10, 7325-7340, doi:10.5194/acp-10-7325-2010.

  90. Chakrabarty, R. K., H. Moosmüller, L. W. A. Chen, K. Lewis, W. P. Arnott, C. Mazzoleni, M. K. Dubey, C. E. Wold, W. M. Hao, and S. M. Kreidenweis (2010) Brown carbon in tar balls from smoldering biomass combustion. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 10, 6363-6370, doi:10.5194/acp-10/6363-2010.

  91. Mack, L. A. , E. J. T. Levin, S. M. Kreidenweis, D. Obrist, H. Moosmüller, K. A. Lewis, W. P. Arnott, G. R. McMeeking, A. P. Sullivan, C. E.Wold, W.-M. Hao, J. L. Collett Jr., and W. C. Malm (2010) Optical closure experiments for biomass smoke aerosols. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 9017–9026. doi:10.5194/acp-10-9017-2010.

  92. Levin, EJT; McMeeking, GR; Carrico, CM; Mack, LE; Kreidenweis, SM; Wold, CE; Moosmüller, H; Arnott, WP; Hao, WM; Collett, JL; Malm, WC Levin, Biomass burning smoke aerosol properties measured during Fire Laboratory at Missoula Experiments (FLAME). J. Geophys. Res-Atmos., 115 D18210 10.1029/2009JD013601


  93. Moosmüller, H., Chakrabarty, R. K., Ehlers, K. M., and Arnott, W. P.: Absorption Ångström coefficient, brown carbon, and aerosols: basic concepts, bulk matter, and spherical particles, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 1217-1225, doi:10.5194/acp-11-1217-2011, 2011.

  94. Gyawali, M., W. P. Arnott, R. A. Zaveri, C. Song, H. Moosmüller, L. Liu, M. I. Mishchenko, L.-W. A. Chen, M. C. Green, J. G. Watson, and J. C. Chow (2011) Photoacoustic optical properties at UV, VIS, and near IR wavelengths for laboratory generated and winter time ambient urban aerosols Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 11, 25063-25098.


  95. Zaveri, R. A., Shaw, W. J., Cziczo, D. J., Schmid, B., Ferrare, R. A., Alexander, M. L., Alexandrov, M., Alvarez, R. J., Arnott, W. P., Atkinson, D. B., Baidar, S., Banta, R. M., Barnard, J. C., Beranek, J., Berg, L. K., Brechtel, F., Brewer, W. A., Cahill, J. F., Cairns, B., Cappa, C. D., Chand, D., China, S., Comstock, J. M., Dubey, M. K., Easter, R. C., Erickson, M. H., Fast, J. D., Floerchinger, C., Flowers, B. A., Fortner, E., Gaffney, J. S., Gilles, M. K., Gorkowski, K., Gustafson, W. I., Gyawali, M., Hair, J., Hardesty, R. M., Harworth, J. W., Herndon, S., Hiranuma, N., Hostetler, C., Hubbe, J. M., Jayne, J. T., Jeong, H., Jobson, B. T., Kassianov, E. I., Kleinman, L. I., Kluzek, C., Knighton, B., Kolesar, K. R., Kuang, C., Kubátová, A., Langford, A. O., Laskin, A., Laulainen, N., Marchbanks, R. D., Mazzoleni, C., Mei, F., Moffet, R. C., Nelson, D., Obland, M. D., Oetjen, H., Onasch, T. B., Ortega, I., Ottaviani, M., Pekour, M., Prather, K. A., Radney, J. G., Rogers, R. R., Sandberg, S. P., Sedlacek, A., Senff, C. J., Senum, G., Setyan, A., Shilling, J. E., Shrivastava, M., Song, C., Springston, S. R., Subramanian, R., Suski, K., Tomlinson, J., Volkamer, R., Wallace, H. W., Wang, J., Weickmann, A. M., Worsnop, D. R., Yu, X.-Y., Zelenyuk, A., and Zhang, Q.: Overview of the 2010 Carbonaceous Aerosols and Radiative Effects Study (CARES), Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 7647-7687, doi:10.5194/acp-12-7647-2012, 2012. Supplement.

  96. Gyawali, M., Arnott, W. P., Zaveri, R. A., Song, C., Moosmüller, H., Liu, L., Mishchenko, M. I., Chen, L.-W. A., Green, M. C., Watson, J. G., and Chow, J. C.: Photoacoustic optical properties at UV, VIS, and near IR wavelengths for laboratory generated and winter time ambient urban aerosols, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 2587-2601, doi:10.5194/acp-12-2587-2012, 2012.

  97. Moosmüller, H., J. P. Engelbrecht, M. Skiba, G. Frey, R. K. Chakrabarty, and W. P. Arnott (2012),Single scattering albedo of fine mineral dust aerosols controlled by iron concentration, J. Geophys. Res., 117, D11210, doi:10.1029/2011JD016909.


  98. Paredes-Miranda, G., W. P. Arnott, H. Moosmüller, M. C. Green, M. Gyawali, 2013: Black carbon aerosol concentration in five cities and its scaling with city population. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94, 41–50.

  99. Gyawali, M., Arnott, W. P., Zaveri, R. A., Song, C., Pekour, M., Flowers, B., Dubey, M. K., Setyan, A., Zhang, Q., Harworth, J. W., Radney, J. G., Atkinson, D. B., China, S., Mazzoleni, C., Gorkowski, K., Subramanian, R., Jobson, B. T., and Moosmüller, H.: Evolution of multispectral aerosol optical properties in a biogenically-influenced urban environment during the CARES campaign, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 13, 7113-7150, doi:10.5194/acpd-13-7113-2013, 2013.

  100. Song C, MS Gyawali, RA Zaveri, JE Shilling, and WP Arnott. 2013. Light Absorption by Secondary Organic Aerosol from a-Pinene: Effects of Oxidants, Seed Aerosol Acidity, and Relative Humidity. Journal of Geophysical Research. D. (Atmospheres) 118(20):11,741-11,749. doi:10.1002/jgrd.50767

  101. N. Sharma, I. J. Arnold, H. Moosmüller, W. P. Arnott, and C. Mazzoleni 2013. Photoacoustic and nephelometric spectroscopy of aerosol optical properties with a supercontinuum light source. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 3501–3513, 2013 doi:10.5194/amt-6-3501-2013

  102. G. Tian, H. Moosmüller, and W. P. Arnott, 2013: Influence of photolysis on multispectral photoacoustic measurement of nitrogen dioxide concentration. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 63(9):1091–1097, 2013. DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2013.790323.


  103. Eric M. Fujita, David E. Campbell, W. Patrick Arnott, Ted Johnson & Will Ollison (2014) Concentrations of mobile source air pollutants in urban microenvironments, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 64:7, 743-758.

  104. Loría-Salazar, S. M., W. P. Arnott, and H. Moosmüller (2014), Accuracy of near surface aerosol extinction determined from columnar aerosol optical depth measurements in Reno, NV, USA, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, doi:10.1002/2014JD022138.


  105. Schmitt, C. G., All, J. D., Schwarz, J. P., Arnott, W. P., Cole, R. J., Lapham, E., and Celestian, A. (2015): Measurements of light-absorbing particles on the glaciers in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, The Cryosphere, 9, 331-340, doi:10.5194/tc-9-331-2015, 2015.

  106. 2016

  107. Yuan Cheng, Guenter Engling, Hans Moosmüller, W. Patrick Arnott, Antony L.W. Chen, Cyle E. Wold, Wei Min Hao, Ke-bin He, (2016) Light absorption by biomass burning source emissions, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 127, February 2016, Pages 347-354, ISSN 1352-2310, ( Keywords: Biomass burning; Light absorption; Black carbon; Photoacoustic; Liquid-like organics.

  108. Sunil Upadhyay, Andrew N. Kanagin, Chase Hartzell, Tim Christy, W. Patrick Arnott, Takamasa Momose, David Patterson, and Jonathan D. Weinstein, (2016) Longitudinal Spin Relaxation of Optically Pumped Rubidium Atoms in Solid Parahydrogen. Physical Review Letters, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.175301. Supplement. [I had a small part helping with IR detector of para/ortho hydrogen, though greatly enjoyed this area of study - stick atoms in hydrogen ice and fiddle with them.]

  109. S. Marcela Loría-Salazar, Heather A. Holmes, W. Patrick Arnott, James C. Barnard, Hans Moosmüller, (2016) Evaluation of MODIS columnar aerosol retrievals using AERONET in semi-arid Nevada and California, U.S.A., during the summer of 2012. Atmospheric Environment 144 345-360.

  110. 2017

  111. S. Marcela Loría-Salazara , Anna Panorska, W. Patrick Arnott , James C. Barnard , Jayne M. Boehmler , Heather A. Holmes, (2017) Toward understanding atmospheric physics impacting the relationship between columnar aerosol optical depth and near-surface PM2.5 mass concentrations in Nevada and California, U.S.A., during 2013 Atmospheric Environment, Volume 171, Pages 289-300.

  112. Madhu Gyawali, W. Patrick Arnott, Rahul A. Zaveri, Chen Song, Bradley Flowers, Manvendra K. Dubey, Ari Setyan , Qi Zhang , Swarup China , Claudio Mazzoleni , Kyle Gorkowski , R. Subramanian and Hans Moosmüller (2017) Evolution of Multispectral Aerosol Absorption Properties in a Biogenically-Influenced Urban Environment during the CARES Campaign Atmosphere, 8, 217; doi:10.3390/atmos8110217


  113. Boehmler, J., S. Loría-Salazar, C. Stevens, J. Long, A. Watts, H. Holmes, J. Barnard and W. Arnott (2018). Development of a Multispectral Albedometer and Deployment on an Unmanned Aircraft for Evaluating Satellite Retrieved Surface Reflectance over Nevada's Black Rock Desert. Sensors 18(10): 3504.


  114. Wang, X., Zhou, H., Arnott, W. P., Meyer, M. E., Taylor, S., Firouzkouhi, H., Moosmüller, H., Chow, J. C., and J. W. Watson, (2019). Characterization of smoke for spacecraft fire safety. J. Aerosol Sci. 136, 36-47.

  115. Rafael N. Liñán-Abanto, O. Peralta, D. Salcedo, L. G. Ruiz-Suárez, P. Arnott, G. Paredes-Miranda, H. Alvarez-Ospin, and T. Castro (2019) Optical properties of atmospheric particles over an urban site in Mexico City and a peri-urban site in Queretaro. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry


  116. Megan Rennie, Vera Samburova, Deep Sengupta, Chiranjivi Bhattarai, W. Patrick Arnott, Andrey Khlystov, and Hans Moosmüller (2020) Emissions from the Open Laboratory Combustion of Cheatgrass (Bromus Tectorum) Atmosphere 2020, 11, 406; doi:10.3390/atmos11040406.

  117. Xiaoliang Wang, Hao Zhou, W. Patrick Arnott, Marit E. Meyer, Samuel Taylor, Hatef Firouzkouhi, Hans Moosmüller, Judith C. Chow, John G. Watson (2020) Evaluation of gas and particle sensors for detecting spacecraft-relevant fire emissions Fire Safety Journal 113 (2020) 102977.

  118. Rafael Liñán-Abanto, Telma Castro, Oscar Peralta, Luis G. Ruiz Suárez, Dara Salcedo, Giovanni Carabali, Patrick Arnott, and Guadalupe Paredes Miranda (2020) Mediciones continuas de carbono negro, monóxido de carbono y dióxido de carbono, durante la temporada seca caliente 2016, en un sitio periurbano de Querétaro, México. Ciencia & Desarrollo, Vol. 19, 26 (1) 68 - 76 (2020) DOI:


  119. Jingting Huang, W P Arnott, J C Barnard, and H. A. Holmes (2021) Theoretical uncertainty analysis of satellite retrieved aerosol optical depth associated with surface albedo and aerosol optical properties Remote Sensing 13 344

  120. Rafael N. Liñán-Abanto, D. Salcedo, P. Arnott, G. Paredes-Miranda, M. Grutter, O. Peralta, G. Carabali, N. Serrano-Silva, L.G. Ruiz-Suarez, and T. Castro (2021) Temporal variations of black carbon, carbon monoxide, and
    carbon dioxide in Mexico City: Mutual correlations and evaluation of emissions inventories
    . Urban Climate 37 100855.


  121. Michealene Iaukea-Lum, Chiranjivi Bhattarai, Deep Sengupta, Vera Samburova, Andrey Y. Khlysto , Adam C. Watts, William P. Arnot and Hans Moosmüller (2022). Optical Characterization of Fresh and Photochemically Aged Aerosols Emitted from Laboratory Siberian Peat Burning. Atmosphere 13, 386.

  122. James R. Ouimette, William C. Malm, Bret A. Schichtel, Patrick J. Sheridan, Elisabeth Andrews, John A. Ogren4, and W. Patrick Arnott (2022). Evaluating the PurpleAir monitor as an aerosol light scattering instrument. Atmos. Meas.Tech. 15, 655-676. Supplement.

  123. Schmitt, C.G.; Schnaiter, M.; Linke, C.; Arnott,W.P. (2022) The Light Absorption Heating Method for Measurement of Light Absorption by Particles Collected on Filters. Atmosphere 2022, 13, 824.

  124. Taylor, S. J.; Nascimento, P.; Arnott, W. P.; Kocsis, C. (2022) Real-Time Photoacoustic Measurement of the Mass Concentration of Respirible Crystal Silica Dust: Theory. Mining Metallurgy & Exploration 2022,

  125. Nascimento, P.; Taylor, S. J.; Arnott, W. P.; Kocsis, K. C.; Wang, X. L.; Firouzkouhi, H. (2022). Development of a Real‑Time Respirable Coal Dust and Silica Dust Monitoring Instrument Based on Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Mining Metallurgy & Exploration 2022,


  126. W. Arnott, C. Kocsis, X. Wang, B. Osho, P. Nascimento, S. Taylor, B. Bingham, C. Murphy & M. Sandink , “Real-time measurements of respirable crystalline silica, kaolinite, coal, and calcite.” 2023. Pg 256-263.  In Underground Ventilation, CRC Press, Edited by Purushotham Tukkaraja.

  127.  Liñán-Abanto, RN; Arnott, WP; Paredes-Miranda, G; Ramos-Pérez, O; Salcedo, D; Torres-Muro, H; Liñán-Abanto, RM; Carabali, G, "Black Carbon in a City of the Atacama Desert before and after the Start of the COVID-19 Lockdown: Ground Measurements and MERRA-2 Reanalysis" REMOTE SENSING  Volume: 15  Issue: 19  Article Number: 4702  DOI: 10.3390/rs15194702.

  128. James Ouimette, W. Patrick Arnott, Philip Laven, Richard Whitwell, Nagarajan Radhakrishnan, Suresh Dhaniyala, Michael Sandink, Jessica Tryner & John Volckens (20 Nov 2023): Fundamentals of low-cost aerosol sensor design and operation, Aerosol Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2023.2285935. link to this article:


  129. Osho, B., Elahifard, M., Wang, X.L., Abbasi, B., Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Arnott, W. P., Reed, W., Parks, D. (2024). Evaluation of PVC and PTFE filters for direct-on-filter crystalline silica quantification by FTIR, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 1-12. Taylor & Francis, 10.1080/15459624.2024.2357080