ATMS 790
Spring 2022
Earth’s Changing Climate: Observations and Economics

Students, papers, and schedule


Presentation Hints

5 tips for journal clubs

Presentation Examples
(good and not so good)

7 Secrets of Great Speakers

Climate and Finance

Time and Place: Monday 4 to 5 pm, PE103 (Palmer Engineering)

Taught by: Drs. Mae Gustin, Pat Arnott, Michael Taylor
Environmental Science, and Atmospheric Science Programs; Dept. of Economics/Extension.

Gustin Office Hours: By appointment, Fleischmann Agriculture, RM 126.
Arnott Office Hours: By appointment, Leifson Physics RM 213 or Zoom.

Taylor Office Hours: By appointment.

Written Critiques and Participation: 50%
Presentation: 50%

30-40 minute presentations:
Students will present a vital research article relevant to their topic, but ideally something they have not yet mastered, so that the seminar provides both public speaking experience and enhanced mastery of the literature. Everyone will read the article in advance of the presentation, and an informal discussion will follow.

Students will be graded on their presentation and evaluations of those by other speakers. Grades will be based on presentation 50%, participation by asking questions of the speakers and by providing written discussions of presentations 50%.

How to provide written discussions of presentations.
SEMINAR EVALUATION FORM Fill in this form online through webCampus for each 30 minute presentation. Dr. Gustin will put all of the evaluations in one document and send them to the speaker for feedback.
Undergraduates need to fill in the seminar evaluation form using webCampus for the Phys493 class.

UNR Disability Statement




Examples of presentations that connect, and deliver urgent climate analysis
Kelly Redmond's 2014 Tyndall Lecture at AGU (youtube video)
Kelly Redmond's 2008 Climate Talk at UNR (powerpoint presentation)