Skew T log P examples

Lamont Oklahoma July 2016 summer time fun

Reno July 2016, and sky movie from the 15th of July (look at sounding for July 16 at 0Z to compare with movie)

Reno January 2017. Look at the precipitable water, and find the days where we had atmospheric river events. Reno February 2017 soundings. Click image for larger version.
Satellite imagery from here. Here is a presentation on atmospheric rivers.

January Precip by day.
Click on image for larger version.

January accumulated precip.
Click on image for larger version.
February Precip by day.
Click on image for larger version.
February accumulated precip by day.
Click on image for larger version.

Barrow Alaska in March 2016 and in July 2016

Archived weather map data for comparison.

Skew T log P diagram from textbook, and as a gif file. Here's a contrast enhanced gif file, and another less contrast version. Skew T presentation for in class discussions.
Interpretation of skew T indices.
Black and white version
of the Skew T graph.
Comet Program Meteorological Education on Skew T log P.